The UConn Extension Master Gardener Program
Click the LOGO to visit the official site of the UConn Extension Master Gardener Program.
Becoming a Certified Master Gardener
Maintain your active UConn Master Gardener certification
As certified Master Gardeners, we are encouraged to share our knowledge and expertise with our local communities.
The Master Gardener Program has given us unique training in a wide range of horticultural subjects. And with our own love of gardening, our years of gardening experience and the skills we have gained along the way, Master Gardeners are an invaluable resource.
Step up to the challenge and share your skills! There is a great need for people with our gardening expertise to assist in our local communities. We receive regular requests for Master Gardeners to teach classes, to work with school kids, to talk to local gardening groups about a wide range of horticultural subjects, from vegetable gardening to beneficial insects. Whatever your particular skills or level of interest, there is an opportunity for you to spread the word about good gardening practices.
Join the MG mentors! Get in touch with your local MG class coordinator for further information.
After you Graduate from the program, Become a member of CMGA, our Alumni Association of UConn Master Gardeners! We are a non-profit organization that plans exciting events, fundraisers, and member activities as well as provides grants and scholarships to outreach projects for our fellow master gardeners around the state.
UCONN Extension Center Coordinators
STATE Coordinator (Interim)
Bonnie Burr
860 486-8944
CMGA/UConn Liaison
Amber Guillemette
Fairfield County Extension Center
203 207-3262
Sandra Wilson
Hartford County Extension Center
860 409-9053
Elizabeth Adler
Litchfield County Extension Center
860 626-6240
Zach Bull
Middlesex County Extension Center
860 345-5234
Jacqueline Crepeau
New Haven County Extension Center
203 407-3161
Eric Larson
New London County Extension Center
860 887-1608
Joanna Woodward
Lower Fairfield Extension Center
203 322-6971 x18
Rebecca Bleiman
Tolland County Extension Center
860 875-3331
Vicky DeLeo
Windham County Extension Center
860 774-9600
John LoRusso