CMGA Grant Awards
CMGA Funding Assistance provided for MG Projects
CMGA provides financial support to UConn’s Master Gardener Program; to the UConn Extension MG county coordinators who administer the Master Gardener Program classes, to Certified Master Gardeners and MG Interns who are involved in projects that promote horticultural knowledge.
CMGA has established a Grants Committee to administer this mission. In addition to the projects listed below, scholarship funding is also given each year to the UConn MG Program for partial scholarships for each location.
Grants awarded in 2025
Clock Tower Garden, New Haven
Garden Walk Glen, New Haven
Bransfield Park, Middlesex
Collinsville Trail, Hartford
Peoples Harvest, Windham
Community Compost, New Haven
Rockland Preserve, Middlesex
Native Plant Border, Middlesex
Native Garden Fairfield Extension, Fairfield/Bethel
Great Hollow Lake, Fairfield/Bethel
YMCA Community Gardens, New Haven
Abington Library, Tolland
Grants awarded in 2024
Roseland Park Community Garden Expansion, Woodstock
Feed the World - Starting Locally!, Windsor
Barkhamsted Community Garden Shed and Bulletin Board
Educational Native Plant Signage Project - Cheshire Pollinator Pathway
COMO Childrens Learning Center, Stonington
Spencer Village Community Garden, Manchester
Peoples Harvest Garden, Pomfret
New Sturdy Storage Container for Brookfield Giving Garden
Pollinator Garden at Ellsworth Ave. School for Preschooler and Kindergartener Students, Danbury
Killingworth Growing Groceries Program
Rockland Preserve ~ Coan Pond Restoration Project, Madison
Tree Identification and Labeling at the Olive W. and George S. Lee Memorial Garden, New Canaan
Ballard Green Raised Bed & Community Garden (Phase II), Ridgefield
Hamden Homicide Memorial Botanical Garden of Healing at Eli Whitney Park
Danbury Public Library Native Plant Garden
McLean Butterfly Garden Revitalization Project, Simsbury
Quinnipiac River Linear Trail (QRLT) Labyrinth Garden Project, Wallingford
Herbal Use by Colonials in 17th Century New England, Wallingford
Grants awarded in 2023
Cohen Woodlands Butterfly-Pollinator Garden revitalization project, Colchester
Native Plants that Attract and Support Butterflies, Ballard Park's Native Plant Garden, Ridgefield
Peoples Harvest Garden, Pomfret
Windham Edible Landscape Permaculture Garden, Brooklyn
Potting Bench for Bethel Schools Student Garden, Bethel
Hamden Seed Library’s Rain Garden/Rain Barrel Project
Mark Twain House Conservatory Restoration, Hartford
New London - Great Neck School Garden/Pollinator Garden, New London
Botanical Markers at Mark Twain House, Hartford
Byram Park Pollinator Border Garden, Greenwich
Batchelder Montessori Magnet School Garden, Hartford
Peace Pole Pollinator Pathway, Canton
Wakeman Town Farm Pollinator Garden-Educational Signage Project, Westport
Grants awarded in 2022
Hebron Interfaith Human Services Pantry
Great Neck School Garden, Waterford
Auerfarm Medicinal Garden, Bloomfield
The Homestead Project/Stephen Main Homestead, North Stonington
Hamden Seed Library
Creation of an Active Teaching and Learning Composting System, Enfield
Healing Garden Project/Chesterfields Health Care Center, Chester
Bacon Academy Auditorium Entrance Sign Garden, Colchester
Pollinator Garden at Great Plain School, Danbury
Tomato Trellis Supports and Repairs to Handicapped Accessible Raised Beds, Colchester
Colchester Elementary School Butterfly Garden
Brookfield Pollinator Garden at Eriksen Farm
Dragonfly Pollinator Garden at Lyme/Old Lyme Foodshare Garden
Roundhill Wildlife Garden, Salem
Wilton Historical Society Colonial Garden Rejuvenation
Permaculture Demo Garden, Edible Landscape, Madison
Scranton Memorial Library Pollinator Garden
Torrington Community Garden
UConn Extension Bug Month
Demonstration Garden Project
Peoples Harvest Garden
Bethel School Student Garden Raised Bed Garden
Enhanced Accessible Public Education at Herb Garden
Common Good Gardens, Old Saybrook
Brainerd Butterfly Garden Expansion
Old Lyme Food Share Garden
Native Plant Garden on ADA trail, Patrell Preserve
Bent of the River Pollinator Garden Revitalization
Plant Book: Pollinator Garden Guide for visitors to the Hill-Stead Pollinator Garden
Collinsville Pollen Trail Signage
Spencer Village Community Garden
Colchester Storywalk Children’s Garden
Goodwin Museum Garden
Potting Bench for Bethel School Student Garden
The Giving Garden
Annie Fisher STEM School, Hands-on learning gardens, Hartford
Allen Place, Knotweed Eradication to Collinsville Pollen Trail, Collinsville
Breakthrough North School, New school garden, Hartford
Colchester Native Plant Garden, Educational welcome signs, Colchester
Common Good Gardens, Growing vegetables for Shoreline Soup Kitchens, Old Saybrook
Denison Pequot Nature Center, Giving Garden at Coogan Farm, Mystic
Fernridge Park, Installing Pollinator Garden, West Hartford
Herb Garden at Elizabeth Park, Plants in Words Signage, Hartford
Hop Brook Park Flower Bridge, Stone Seating Wall Garden, Simsbury
Natchaug Hospital Gardens, Master Gardener gardening tools - Mansfield
Newington Senior and Disabled Center, The Giving Garden, Newington
LEAP For Kids, Kids Community Garden, New Haven
Palmer Arboretum, Native Plants for Reclaimed area, Woodstock
Peoples Harvest Garden, Battling local food insecurity, Pomfret
Permaculture Demonstration Garden, Edible Landscape, Windham County UConn Extension Center
Real Food Share, Fresh produce for food insecure, Newtown
Spencer Village Public Housing, Community Gardens, Manchester
Stonington Community Center, Children’s Garden, Stonington
Water Street Pollinator Garden, Creating a Pollinator Garden, Essex
UConn Extension, 2020 Bug Week, Virtual Event
Northwest Park Edible Border, Windsor
LEAP Children’s Garden, New Haven
Rain Garden at the United Methodist Church, New Milford
Seed Library, Bell Library, Ledyard
Children’s Story-Walk Garden, Colchester
Permaculture Garden, Windham Extension, Brooklyn
The Giving Garden, Newington Senior Center
Project Pollination, WAIM Community Garden, Willimantic
Monarch Way Station/Pollinator Garden, Mercy by the Sea, Madison
Peoples Harvest Garden, Pomfret
Bee Happy Garden-Pollinator & Medicinal Herbal Garden, Children’s Hospital, Hartford
Northwest Park Organic Demonstration Garden Windsor
Installation of Rain Garden, New Milford
Wilton Historical Society
Burgdorf Health Center Community, Hartford
Pollinator Pathway, Wilton
CMGA Model Garden, Middlesex Extension Center
4-H Auer Farm, Bloomfield
Avery Point Children’s Cognitive Garden, Groton
UConn Demonstration Gardens, Fairfield Extension
Pollinator Garden, Hill-stead Museum, Farmington
Harwinton Library Seed Bank
Mercy by the Sea, Madison
Protect Our Pollinators
Saint Luke Community Garden, Gales Ferry
Wilton Pollinator Pathway Renovation
Wilton Historical Society and Museum
Children's Garden at the Stonington Community Center
SCADD (SCADD "Southeastern Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence, Inc."), Lebanon
Peoples Harvest Garden
The Giving Garden, Newington Senior & Disabled Center
Pollinator Garden project at Hill-Stead Museum
Nehemiah Royce House, Wallingford
Northwest Park, Windsor
Pollinator Garden at Gifts of Love Farm, Simsbury
Foodshare Garden at Auerfarm, Bloomfield
Oak Hill Garden, Hartford
Nathan Hale Elementary School, Meriden
Avery Coop House, Groton
Burgdorf Health Center Community Garden Hartford
Spencer Village Community Garden, Manchester
CT Science Center, Hartford
Save My Sanity, Wallingford
Grasslands Project, University of St. Joseph, West Hartford
Protect Our Pollinators, Newton
Community Garden, New London Park
Renovation of Children’s Cancer Memorial Garden, East Lyme Public Library
Garden Improvement Team, Natchaug Hospital, Mansfield Center
Mercy by the Sea, Madison
Seed Library at the Darien Library
CT Pollinator Pathway, Wilton
Peoples Harvest Garden, Pomfret
Pollinator Garden, Groton Public Library
Charles Barnum Elementary School, Groton
Burgdorf Health Center Demonstration Garden
Gay City State Park Habitat Restoration Project, Hebron
Great Path Academy, Garden Club, LED grow lights experiment
Hill-Stead Pollinator Garden, Farmington
Spencer Village Community Garden Manchester
Simsbury Historical Society
Japanese Knotweed Removal/Installation of Native Plant Material, Simsbury Historical Society
Meadow at Meigs Point Nature Center Madison
Renovation/Enhancement of Red Twig Dogwood Garden, Colchester
Leap Gardens, New Haven
Mercy by the Sea Center, Madison
Woodland Treasures, Bartlett Arboretum, Norwalk
People’s Harvest, Pomfret
New Haven Extension Office
Lake Garda Elementary, Burlington
Bethany Community gardens, Bethany
Fairfield County Extension Office
Betances STEM Magnet School, Hartford
Bethel Extension Fair, Bethel
Simsbury Historical Society, Simsbury
University of St. Joseph Grassland Project, West Hartford
Auer Farm, Hartford
Bartlett Native Plant Garden
Bethany Community Garden
Bethel Gardening Fair
Brookfield Giving Garden
Great Path Academy Garden Club, Manchester
Harwinton Land Trust (Bull Pond)
Harwinton Public Library
KidsPlay Children's Museum Habitat
LEAP Children's Garden, New Haven
Lee May Memorial Garden
Lily B Haines Elementary School Garden
Manson Youth Institution
Medicinal Herb Garden iPark
Mercy Center, New Haven
Merwin Meadows Park (Invasives)
Peoples Harvest, Pomfret
Urban Garden (Hartford North End) (Irrigation System)
Wilton Historical Society Herb Garden
Woodland's Edge Garden, Bartlett Arboretum